Be Ready for the Unexpected

The mama deer was taking her youngster for a walk/swim across the White River in Noblesville, Indiana the day they came within camera shot.

The venture started with a goal of 'shooting' the Potter's Ford bridge - and once we found it - I began searching for different angles to take it's picture.

After venturing downstream looking for a path to the bank - I scurried over some downed trees and mud to get a nice vantage point looking back to the bridge.

That's when I heard a little movement behind me and there they were.

The mama paused and stared.  Not moving at all.

She looked at me, and I was very thankful to have my camera in hand so I could twist into a good position for the shot.  It was as if she and her fawn were models, as they posed and then walked across most of the river and swam through the deeper spots.

The bridge brought me there - the close proximity to the deer made it memorable.

Be ready - you never know what you might see or hear or experience when you were not expecting it - then when it does you can take it in and store it in your memory bank.

Sometimes the best memories are those we never saw coming.
