Ash Wednesday

Growing up in the Lutheran Church, it wasn't a tradition of the congregation where I was a member to offer the imposition of ashes during the service marking the start of Lent.

I guess it was thought to be more of a 'Catholic' thing, but in the last ten years - congregations where I've worshiped have offered those in attendance to come to the altar and receive the mark of the cross on their forehead or hand.

It's a moving moment and a physical reminder of the dark and ugly blot that sin is in my life.

The ashes are made by burning the palm leaves from the prior year's Palm Sunday and Easter services - and leave a coal-like mark.

It is difficult to get used to - I think every year I had one - about a half-hour later I would absentmindedly brush my hair and the cross became just a blot.

The reminder of sin also offers in it the promise of Easter - when we can celebrate Jesus' victory over death and the devil.

The past seven years, I took part in this tradition at Lutheran High School in Indianapolis where Pastor Shadday from St. Paul's would remind students and all of us in attendance of our sins that ultimately nailed Jesus to the cross and the beauty of how Jesus turned an instrument of death into a vehicle of salvation for all who believe in Him.
