Back to Work!

Since this picture was taken - the snow has completely melted and the Christmas stuff taken down - and I have not spent one day in the office!

It was a week ago that what I had thought was a muscle 'tweak' became spasms that kept me from even getting out of bed and onto my feet.

After some help, I made it to the floor and that's where I spent the night.  In the morning, I was able to crawl to the bathroom and able to hobble back to the bedroom to get some clothes on for a trip to the doc - which became a trip to the E.R.

To my surprise, the doctor identified it as sciatica.  I've had that before running down my left leg and it felt nothing like this episode, but after four to five hours in the UW Hospital Emergency Room and a couple of prescriptions, it was back home to rest and recuperate.

The numb sensation and tingling in the right leg was sharper than I remembered (maybe I can't take it as well as I age?), and for the first days at home it was all I could do to sit in a chair - walking was nearly impossible - and sleeping an adventure trying to find a comfortable place to lay down.

As the days of the work week ticked past, and the snow disappeared from our balcony, I made some progress each day and finally this past Saturday felt as close to normal as I have in a week.  The first hour of the day is interesting, but since my primary work position is in a chair - I should be able to make it.

By the way, I was not the one who took down the Christmas stuff on the balcony.  If I can get my socks and shoes on correctly that is a good start to my day.

The week has been a reminder of the blessings of family (who take care of you when ailing) and a job that provides a place to serve and benefits to help take care of these kind of issues.  Mostly, it's a reminder how comfortable and healthy I have been the majority of my life, and I thank God for His wonderful blessings.

I even returned to the treadmill today - although at a fraction of my 'normal' speed - another thing to be thankful for and something I look forward to doing again as soon as the nerves in my body allow it.

So, my friends, as you return to work this week - go with God, He is with you anyway!
