Back in the Saddle, Again

While the last place I'd like to be right now is an actual saddle, as a figure of speech, it felt good yesterday to be back in my office chair behind my desk doing some actual work for the first time in more than a week.

I do have a saddle story though, and it's related to the back pain that kept me out of the 'figurative' saddle this past week.

Many years ago, while an insurance representative for the nation's largest fraternal benefit company, I was serving territory to the north of where I usually worked.  When I arrived, the family was in the midst of getting their horses ready to take a ride around their land.

They asked if I'd like to join them.

Well, if I said no, I would have had no time with them at all; and the last thing you want to do if you are in sales is even say the word n-o in a conversation with prospective clients.  So, I said yes.

The horse they had me ride was as wide as your basic Volkswagen Beetle and since I had no clue on adjusting the stirrups, I was a bob-bob-bobbing - along for the ride.

No problem for the ride, or even the ride home, but about a week later - while bending over to pick up a piece of paper from the garage floor.... BAM.  My back went out.

Spasms followed.  Sciatica nerve pain ran like a red-hot poker down my left leg for nearly six months.

You guessed it, I've not ridden a horse since.

My day back in the saddle went very well - once the whole getting going in the morning was complete and out the door - it was pretty much business as usual.  I did get out of my chair slower than usual and walked with an odd gait caused by the still somewhat numb lower calf and foot, but hey, it was just my first day back.

In the Saddle, ready to ride again... tomorrow!
