In the on-going saga, Trapped by Sciatica, I'm trying to find a less uncomfortable position in which to sit; learn what the best way is for me to stand up; and figure out how to get to a standing position after laying on the floor.
There is some progress to report on that score, the doc says it is sciatica. My layman's description would be to imagine a red-hot poker that runs from your hip to your fourth toe.
It's not fun.
However, I've been so blessed with health throughout my life - I really shouldn't kick about this. The sad fact is, I'm a wimp.
While I give blood frequently (hit nine gallons with next donation), I still don't like the needle going into my skin and am nowhere near as cool about the process as I should be after 71 experiences. The Red Cross phlebotomist who 'stuck me' last time, was excellent. She heard my whining, so instead of having a new person give it a shot, she prepared the spot, had me do all the pre-poke preparations, and then planted the needle into me like she was planting a tree.
I appreciated her confidence and the fact the needle went into the vein and quickly drained a pint.
There are more potential 'wimp' stories to share, but as the blog is 'They used to call me Pointdexter,' and not blog of a wimpy adult... I'll spare other examples for another time.
So in learning again (third time with sciatica, but first time in right leg) how to handle the pain - I'm trying to find the right way to sit, stand, or lay that doesn't leave my leg throbbing or my foot alternatively numb or feeling like a hive of bees are inside it.
The best thing about this being my third time - is having an idea how the recovery goes - mostly hanging in with and through the pain - it will eventually subside.
Monday isn't far away and I'm expecting to be back at work before they realize they can do it without me on a regular basis.
This kind of week-off isn't what I had in mind - the doctor and staff at U. W. Health, Verona were great: empathetic and helpful, but I'm sure they would agree this is no one's idea of a vacation!
Hope this finds you rejoicing and thankful for your health - if you know someone who is struggling a little physically - why not use this as a reason to reach out and give them a hand?
Have a great, pain-free day!
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