Adventures in MadTown

Today is a trip across centuries and over the sea.

In the form of a trip to the Geology Museum on the University of Wisconsin Madison campus and then lunch at place known as Chez Nanou.

While I took a Geology class in high school, the extent of french food I am really familiar with are fries and toast.  There was a time in my dating days that I tried Escargot, but I haven't made that mistake a second time.

So, no doubt those two spots will give me something to write about on Friday.  The weather is slowing making more of an impact on the thermometer as the mercury rose to nearly 20 on Wednesday.

That's not warm, but if the comparison is zero, then 20 seems to be a far sight better.

Wednesday brought light snow wafting around are skies, teasing us with a potential promise of accumulation.  Generally if you have snow, you also have temps nearer to freezing - and another 12 degrees on the big board won't be bad at all.

These slow and cold winter days serve to make spring sparkle like an emerald jewel dotted with a cacophony of color as flowers leap into their beds.

Like most of the Midwest, it's been dry here so the more snow we can pack in to replenish the missing moisture will be helpful for the flowers and crops of 2013.

It would be nice to bring this full circle with a reference to the rain staying mainly in the plain, but since that would be a reference to Spain and not France - I'll just end today's blog with a wish for you to have a great day and thank you for reading!
