Where's Draco? How much snow so far?

This is our balcony.  We were told Draco would be here at 6:30 or so - but even if he's fashionably late - it's now after 8pm and the appetizers are getting cold!

Apparently, the lobbyists for winter storms were successful in helping their Q-rating so now instead of just having winter storms - they must have names.  The one that southern Wisconsin is expecting is Draco.  Yes, I think that's the name of the Russian villain in Rocky IV... but it apparently is a kickin' storm planning to drop 12+ inches of snow and whip it around with 35+ mph winds.

He's not here yet.... stay tuned!

Then around 8:30 - he showed up - but is trying to creep up on us.

 It's after 10pm and a little snow on the balcony table - what will the morning bring?
