This is the tree I usually park close to at work each day. (I move from time to time, the tree stays put.) Last Friday, after spending an hour driving in from home (which usually takes 15 minutes) the tree stood there greeting me with its branches splendidly decorated with new-fallen snow.
Not having my camera in-hand, this was shot with my fairly primitive 'dumb phone,' but it captured it nicely.
Originally this post was going to be for my friends in Indiana who don't usually see this much snow - but they were blessed yesterday with an up close and personal look at the white stuff that they were digging out of yesterday and today.
Our Cardinal son reports his campus in Muncie was shut down by the white stuff, but with no class in session - he is up in Madison with us.
Now that we are closing in on December 31, we are a good two months into winter with two to go. Yes, it can snow in March, April, and even May - but the bulk of the winter and the invigorating temperatures come between November and February.
So, enjoy it and embrace the snow. Do a snow angel. Sled down a hill (be careful, old bones break easily!) or take a sleigh ride.
Instead of looking at the work the snow brings - try to find the beauty in the creation around you - take a picture with your mind's eye... you might want to recall this image next July.
Not having my camera in-hand, this was shot with my fairly primitive 'dumb phone,' but it captured it nicely.
Originally this post was going to be for my friends in Indiana who don't usually see this much snow - but they were blessed yesterday with an up close and personal look at the white stuff that they were digging out of yesterday and today.
Our Cardinal son reports his campus in Muncie was shut down by the white stuff, but with no class in session - he is up in Madison with us.
Now that we are closing in on December 31, we are a good two months into winter with two to go. Yes, it can snow in March, April, and even May - but the bulk of the winter and the invigorating temperatures come between November and February.
So, enjoy it and embrace the snow. Do a snow angel. Sled down a hill (be careful, old bones break easily!) or take a sleigh ride.
Instead of looking at the work the snow brings - try to find the beauty in the creation around you - take a picture with your mind's eye... you might want to recall this image next July.
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