Ready to Roll

Cool temps, gusty winds, and a bike with one good wheel left me on the sidelines this weekend and out of the saddle.

Maybe you recall in last Saturday's blog (Inflation Deflation), I couldn't finish my ride because my rear tire blew out after finishing the Glacial Drumlin trail.  With most of my bike gear tucked away in storage, I needed to find a bike shop to take care of it.

Just after a short surf of the web, and consulting with some co-workers, I heard about a place called Dream Bikes just off the Madison Belt line.

It was a perfect shop for the job. 

Led as a not for profit, Dream Bikes works with youth organizations to find teens to staff the store and learn how to repair bikes as well.  Two bright, cheerful staffers greeted me as I rolled my disabled bike into the shop this morning looking for help.  It was less than 25 minutes later when I was on my way with a re-born bike.

Yes!  It was a perfect combination of good service, friendly help, and excellent value that made my morning, and may let me get some miles behind my bike yet this weekend.

A tip of my bike helmet to the store and I encourage you to use them, or a store like it in your area.

In addition to the job training, experience, and people skills learned - anything that gets more kids to see the value in using two wheels to travel - is a very good thing.
