The Wind at Your Back....

August 11, 2012

A couple of observations from my first long ride in a couple of years:

First, it was great to be back out and moving along one of Wisconsin's many Bike Paths - many of which were created from abandoned railroad lines.  It was a lot of fun.

This is certainly true in biking, but true in just about everything else.  At the start of my ride as I was heading mostly south from Madison toward New Glarus - it seemed like the pedaling was almost effortless.  Later, on the return trip I discovered a head wind which made the ride a little more difficult.  So many times in life, I think I'm responsible for how great things are going, when it's another of the many God-given blessings I enjoy each day.  It's only bending into the wind that I realize that I'm not as strong or capable as I might like to think.

 Many times we've heard the cliche about the light at the end of the tunnel - is it a light or an oncoming train?   As I walked my bike through the wonderful old train tunnel on the Badger State Trail north of Monticello - I was impressed by how dark it became and that the darker it was the ambient light at my back and a slight and growing glow in front of my led my safely through the tunnel.  I like the picture above because it makes me think of the extraordinary brightness of promise when you still can't clearly see what's coming next.

Just the tunnels themselves present challenges - some riders and people, like the one on the right, think they can ride through the dark and uncertain times.  After going through the tunnel, it becames apparent walking is a better idea as it allows the light to catch up with you.

I should be a little less philosphical too - is there a better lunch in the world after riding nearly 45 miles than a burger and an ice-cold Mountain Dew?  I think not!  My thanks to the gentlemen at Kleeman's Bar & Grill who prepared the burger - it was excellent!   You can find Kleeman's just up the hill from the New Glarus train depot which is at the north end of the Sugar River State Trail.

Loved spending the day on my trusty 30 year old Schwinn Traveler.  The 70 or so mile ride today felt good to complete - just sore in a few places :-)  but will be ready to ride again soon.  

Yet again another beautiful day (sunny, 70s for highs) to experience the sights, sounds, and aroma of the South Wisconsin countryside.
