Bridges of Indiana's Counties - Parke Co - #57 Phillips (22/31)

This is one of my favorite photos - the Phillips bridge.
7/3/2009     dwm photo
Phillips is the shortest covered bridge in Parke County and Indiana, a position it gained when a shorter one was washed away in 1957.

It's location makes it one of my favorites.

When it comes to photography, the subject is important, but it will look better when there are complementary elements in the foreground.

The local history suggests the Phillips family was a mover and shaker in this part of the county simply because the nearby cemetery features the name on a lot of headstones.

Phillips is the only King Truss bridge in Parke County.  When you look at the top photo, you will notice the arch is missing.  That is what turns a Burr Arch Truss into a King Truss.
Spring in Parke County.  4/17/2010

As you can tell from the pictures, the small bridge fits the landscape, identifying the small stream it crosses.  A non-covered bridge disappears into the fields.

View from across a pasture. 7/3/09
dwm photo
The small size makes repairs affordable. In 1991 $7,000 paid for a new roof, siding, and a new paint job.

Five miles west of Rockville and a mile and a half southwest of Coloma, the Phillips bridge is in the heart of bridge county, don't overlook it.

           Phillips Covered Bridge
Parke County (internet image)

Built: 1909 by J.A. Britton

Style:  King Truss - only one in Parke Co.

Length: 43 feet, shortest in Indiana
over Big Pond Creek a/k/a Rocky Run
