Biking to Bucky, Part 12

This Bucky loves Wisconsin!
6/29/2018  dwm photo
Today we are in downtown Madison, in and around the state house and at a hotel right across the street for the latest Buckys on Parade.

The Buckys are on display until September 12, so see them soon!

Two Badgers wear the devotion to the state; one is a perfect host; and the other is cracked up about living on the cutting edge.

Bucky #7, 4, 1, and 9.

Bucky on Guard - # 7 - Artist Christy Rasmussen

I only recently found more information about each Bucky on Parade, so you can check it out if you want to learn more.

Outside the Capitol, the
state is cheese.  7/29/18
(dwm photo)
For example, Bucky on Guard was hatched in a Middle School Art Studio in Merrill, Wisconsin.  He is carrying the traditions, treasures, and landmarks of Madison wherever he can find a spot.

The largest outdoor farmer's market surrounds the Capitol on his sweater like it encloses the square each Saturday.

Statues of Old Abe (the Bald Eagle) and Abe (the President's statue on Bascom Hill - see Graduation Bucky's photo) and the Bucky mascot striking a pose adorns his arms and a leg.

This Bucky capture the essence of Madison in a variety of brilliant colors.

Sconnie stands in the
Rotunda. (6/29/18  dwm)
Sconnie B. Goode - #4 - Artist Michael Roberts
Stickers, medallions, and a Nash
badge illustrate Wisconsin.  (dwm)

Because Sconnie is inside, I waited for the Capitol to open to see it.  It was clear why this guy is out of the elements.

The artist puts a lot of Wisconsin on this guy which captures something for everyone.

I spotted an A.F.L. button next to one which likes Ike, and a top to cream made in Lake Geneva (upper right).

On his feet there was a badge from a Nash (made in Kenosha) while on the back of his head a lid for a home-canning pot.  Covering the base were more than a dozen yardsticks from state businesses.

By the way, during my time living away from Wisconsin, Sconnie became a term of endearment.  This Sconnie is a Good treasure of memorabilia from across Badgerland.

I think he might help
carry your bags. (dwm)
Class Act - # 1 - Artist Barbara Vater
Outside the recently refurbished Best Western Premier Park Hotel, Bucky is ready to help.  If you need help finding a place for fun or a classic Fish Fry, the tuxedoed Badger is at your service.

He is in a prime location, at the main entrance of the only hotel on Capitol Square.

While always helpful, this Bucky can clean up for a fancy night on the town
to explore a nightlife not limited to the thousands still in college.

Whatever the occasion, Bucky is ready.

Bucky.exe - #9 - Artist Filament Games
Every one can add their touch to
Bucky.  7/29/2018  dwm photo

".exe" represents computer software that performs through a command or double click; which is key to this version joining the fun outside the Capitol.

Triangles cover Bucky which allowed employees of Filament Games to pick up a brush and paint by the numbers!  What a great idea from a company I wasn't aware of previously - they make video games.

The shapes reminded me of geodesic domes which intrigued my dad.  The combination of triangles create a rigid design which distributes stress throughout the building.

From that viewpoint, we not only add the color and flavor to Wisconsin we make it strong and resilient, just like Bucky.

Think you missed a Bucky? Check out prior blogs here.
