Biking to Bucky, Part 9

Bucky poses for a graduation photo
at the top of Bascom Hill near the
Lincoln statue.  6/9/18  dwm photo
While riding around the University of Wisconsin campus searching for various versions of Bucky, I was struck by how pretty it is.

On my campus tour all I remember was the School of Journalism.  It was a fairly short visit and I'm sure I never made it to Bascom Hill.

The hill is one of the best known spots at UW and where I found Bucky #46.  47 isn't far away on the Henry Mall- the Buckys in today's Biking to Bucky post.

Graduation Bucky - #46 - Artist: FAST Corporation

Many graduates and Madison locals associate Flamingos with the hill which leads from the main administration building to State Street and the doors of the Wisconsin Capitol.

Jauntily attired in a black cap and gown with a red sash under his cardinal and white turtleneck, Bucky is moving forward into his future with a valuable diploma from the University.

On the Henry Mall.
6/9/2018 (dwm)
Blooming Bucky - #47 - Artists Paula Hare & Diane Heatley 

In the midst of a number of Biology related buildings - Biochemistry, Genetics, Biomolecular Chemistry, and the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences - on the Henry Mall stands Blooming Bucky.

Like a living vase, the blooms grow out of the sidewalk up his legs to cover his back, chest, and head.

You might wonder if the students inside the surrounding buildings could get flowers to live on Bucky Badger.

These two Buckys make 34 so far on the Blog Parade, just 51 left before the last Bucky blog on August 27.  See you Monday for more.

Find the rest of the blog posts of Bucky on Parade by following the link.
