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It is a clean slate, which is the most appealing feature of a new year.
Politically it would be impressive to see leaders at the national and local levels come together and find ways to work together for the good of the people.
I recognize that seems highly unlikely. Unfortunately, it takes a crisis to bring people with opposing views together.
Debate and disagreement is fine, but allowing the arguments to replace a working government is irresponsible.
Unfortunately, human nature finds us liking the idea of bipartisan effort - but only when follows our political agenda.
So, lets consider ways we can make 2019 a happier trip around the sun.
We can talk about issues and listen to opposite opinions. We may not agree, but learning the reason for their thoughts is a good first step.
There are plenty of topics where we don't have to wait for lawmakers to do something - we can be the change we want to see. It's happening with the environment around the country as local governments and even businesses take action while the Environmental Protection Agency seems intent on rolling back rules developed during previous Republican and Democrat administrations.
We can look to lift up family, friends, and colleagues with words and actions. We can take small steps to protect the earth.
Individually we can tackle that book we promised to read or call the doctor's office for the test we prefer to avoid.
A big challenge for me is to worry less. Worry is unprofitable, because most of the time the stuff that consumes us never happens. I don't think resolving not to worry is a good idea, because the next thing you'll do is worry about how long you can manage to do it.
Instead, just worry less in 2019.
So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today. Matthew 6:34
If we come close - 2019 will be a real happy New Year!
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