My Week That Was - May 23

Most of us have been 'locked down' for a while.  The idea is we'll be less exposed to the virus, and if we're infected, it's less likely to be widely distributed.  

As a precaution, most of what we consider daily life closed.  At the Continuing Care Retirement Community where I work that means no lectures, no sing-a-longs, and no community coffees.

It cancelled a presentation my wife and I were going to give on Great Lakes Lighthouses.  

The Life Enrichment teams on each campus started generating content for the in-house television and asked for help.

I thought I could convert a PowerPoint presentation into a video.  

Well, it can be done, but it was more work than expected.

The fun part was developing a script and putting it on tape.  The first draft ran 15 minutes because I wanted each lighthouse to 'breathe.'  But when I started editing, I realized each breath required multiple pictures and slowed the pace.

After a figurative knife attack on the script, the program was cut to 10:30.

The next stage was adding photos and graphics.  The last step was reviewing the whole thing which revealed a half dozen necessary edits.  It took seven hours Saturday to wrap it up.

I hope you enjoy it.

Other presentations planned around the community were also cancelled, however, there is a silver lining.  One location asked if I could do my Biking to Bucky on Parade presentation virtually.

As we discussed how that might happen, I learned this senior center sometimes tapes PowerPoint presentations to show later.  That eliminates hours of editing and provides a program for a group of older adults.  The plan is to make the recording next week.

Wednesday's run went really well.  It was a combination of perfect temperature, a tail wind on the finish, and feeling good.  Most important was the wind at my back on the climb to the finish.  Some days you feel it, some days you don't.

Do you believe I shot this at
Walmart? 5/16/20 (dwm)

We continue to be blessed with generous donors, the first half of the week I was busy calling donors to say thanks!  I like making these calls, but since we're home-working it is important  since we can't mail out thank yous as promptly as before.

In addition to the calls, there are writing projects to finish, including a stack of June birthday cards to sign.

I hope your next week is busy and productive!
In addition to the calls, there are writing projects to finish, including a stack of June birthday cards to sign.

I hope your next week is busy and productive!


  1. Having been present for you & your wife’s excellent lighthouse presentation a year ago, I look forward to watching the video! Miss our chats, Dave.

    1. Thanks, Lu! It's been 9 weeks since I was on either campus. The next video is underway - when its ready I'll post it here. Take care.


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