Biking to Bucky, Part 19

Bucky standing inside the
Wisconsin Veterans Museum.
6/29/2018   dwm photo
Before the Bucky on Parade Public Art event, I had only walked past the Wisconsin Veterans Museum on the corner of Wisconsin and West Mifflin.  

Right on Capitol Square next to State Street, I've passed it many times, but it wasn't until I went to see Bucky that I learned admission is free.

It is also where I saw the first of today's Buckys: 23, 24, 27, 28.

Full Fatigues - # 23 - Artist Madison Vet Center & VSA WI

This collaborative piece is powerful.

Multiple artists worked on Bucky through  a joint effort by the city's Vet Center and the State's Organization for the Arts and Disability.

The additional information about this statue tells the story.  His uniform is a collage of every branch of the service since the Vietnam War made from actual uniforms.

Old photos and important images
to veterans cover Bucky. (dwm)
The base is covered with sand.  Bucky's boots are tied with real laces.

His hands and head are covered with photos and words significant to veterans.  A flag is tucked under Bucky's arm.

Bucky has the right idea - honoring men and women who serve and served our country.  It's worth a visit.

Bucky is fishing old-school with a creel
for his trout. 6/2/18 (dwm)
Friday Night Fish Fry  #24 Artist Ashley Sheridan

One of Wisconsin's strongest traditions is the Friday Night Fish Fry.

This Bucky is bringing fish to the party.  You can't see it, but he is standing on the relish tray a Fish Fry and Supper Club staple.

One quibble might why he has a bait casting reel instead of a fly rod since there are trout in the basket and he is wearing waders.  I'm just going to guess he knew his trout stream and what tools would do the job.
This Bucky stands on
the pier at The Edgewater.
6/2/2018 dwm photo

For all I know, he used a boat from the dock to get to his fishing hole.

This Bucky captures the tradition of fishing and eating the Wisconsin way.

Some folks have asked if they can see Bucky by car.  Not all of them.  Many, like Friday Night Fish Fry means getting out of the car or off the bike to see them up close.

If you are up for it, those Buckys are worth the walk.

Bucky is a walking
postcard. 6/16/18 (dwm)
Vintage Postcard - #27 - Artist Anne Raskopf

The name of this Badger tells it all.  He is a vintage postcard - from the script "Greetings from Madison" across his head to the view up State Street to the State Capitol.
Madison's lakes adorn
each arm - Mendota
on his right. (dwm)

On his back is room for a stamp and a couple helpful lines for the address of the person you are sending the card.

This card stands near State Street in Peace Park which extends north toward Gilman Street.

This Bucky is beautiful, evoking a 1950s vibe through color, art, and graphics.

His message?  "I wish you were here!"

Look what is under his
sweater!  6/16/18 (dwm)
Ink'd Wisconsinly - #28 - Artist: Stripe

If there is a most original Bucky statue - this is my nominee.

Flamingos. Of course.
6/16/2018 (dwm)
He wears his loyalty under his long sleeve Cardinal and White sweater with the Wisconsin emblem across his chest.

On his left arm is Paul Bunyan's Axe and the head of the Statue of Liberty (part of a student stunt years ago).

Across his back the official school seal, the Red Gym, a Badger on four paws, and one of Bucky's ancestors.

Bucky's back.
6/16/2018 (dwm)
The artist of this wonderful version of Bucky goes by Stripe.  A professional tattoo artist, the owner of Ultimate Arts Tattoo.
Bucky's girl - Becky.

Not that Bucky needs street cred, but this guy has it; right down to a tat of his girl on the right calf.

My favorite tattoo is the state shaded in black with two letters over it, O N.  ON Wisconsin.

Just below his left knee is the logo for the Badger Band.  Throw in three Sunburst chairs and a motion W on the right shoulder; it is ink to make you think.

The countdown continues - just four Bucky on Parade blogs are left - see the other ones here.
