Biking to Bucky, Part 2

My second road trip to see the Buckys rolled another 40 miles on the odometer.  I got 18 Bucky statues on this one.  Today's Biking to Bucky includes some of the first Biking adventure and several from the second.

Journey with me every Monday as we meet more of the many faces of Bucky Badger.

Work Safe Bucky.  5/26/2018
dwm photo
Bucky is a Badger of many professions, avocations, and passions.

Work Safe Bucky - #82 - Artist Danica Harrier

Bucky is on the job in Middleton's Lakeview Park where the goggled, safety vest wearing, hard hat toting mammal patrols the playground.

He represents the attention to detail necessary to get the job done right.

His lunchbox features stickers for his CPR certification and 30 hours of OSHA training.  There is also a job site safety checklist with a bunch of check marks.

Not a bad day on the job.

Music Man - #62 - Artist Jaroslava Sobiskova

Music Man Bucky
5/26/18  dwm
Just off a busy bike path and surrounded by a skate park, there are elements of music in the air - the clacks and squeaks of the wheels and the rhythm of wheels going over the ridges on the road give it a beat.

In its community the space is regularly used for festivals, so actual music is the air too.  Bucky appreciates music - he is known to dance and even lead the Badger Band from time to time.

Looks good in a uniform filled with instruments as well.

You can add that when you say Bucky, you've said it all!

Bucky de los Muertos -  #63 - Artist Jennifer Estelle Schwarzkopf

Bucky de los Muertos
5/28/18  (dwm)
The first multi-cultural side of Bucky I saw on parade was celebrating Dia de los Muertos.  It's a Mexican holiday to celebrate, remember, and prepare special foods in honor of the departed.

It is a way of acknowledging that death is part of living.

It is a compelling look for the Wisconsin mascot, demonstrating nuance and understanding of others.  While it may not be something to familiar to all of us, it is always a good idea to learn.  Nice job, professor Badger.

Jump Around Bucky - #83 - Artist Karen Lorraine Singer

Jump Around Bucky features Badger fans
jumping around
5/28/18  dwm photo
One of the most anticipated moments of any Wisconsin home football game are the minutes between the third and fourth quarter when the sound system plays the House of Pain song "Jump Around."

The stadium and the sidelines - frequently including the visitors - start jumping.

The announcers in the press box feel the stadium shake.

I came to get down, I came to get down. So get out your seat and jump around! House of Pain

Between the Lakes Bucky - #61 - Artist Amy Mietzel   

This colorful fellow stands on one of the busiest intersections in the city - where Williamson Street meets John Nolen Drive, East Wilson, and South Blair.
It is steps from Lake Monona and a quick brisk walk from Lake Mendota at the thinnest stretch of the Madison isthmus.  Bucky practically vibrates from the powerful rays bursting from the capitol building on his chest.

That's nine Buckys on Parade. Check them out every Monday and Friday.
