My Day Shooting Eagles

I wish my zoom lens was a little longer for this photo. 

The white head wasn't visible to me until after I downloaded the shots.

All photos taken in Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin   1/6/2018-dwm photos

This shot excited me when I saw it full-screen.  The immature Bald Eagle is obscured by many branches as it lands high in the tree by the river.

This bird cooperated like a true model.  He or she (both genders get white feathers covering their head and tail)  allowing me to get shots with the sun on his face and in this
one with the sun behind him. 

It was the only time all day I could shots of the same bird from both sides.

These two guys perched and scouted a long time while we admired them from far below.
I hope to see you again next January, thanks for visiting!
