Bridges of Indiana's Counties - Greene Co. #21 Richland-Plummer Creek

The picturesque bridge creates an S curve
for the quiet county road it serves.  (dwm photo  6/25/2011)
We found the Richland-Plummer Creek Bridge at the end of a long Saturday of bridge questing in late June.

Greene County's bridge is southwest of Bloomington, Indiana. The bridge crosses Richland Creek.  Before nearby U.S. Highway 231 was completed, it remained a key passage from one part of Greene County to another.

Still in service, it continues to be an important route for locals and a great experience for bridge collectors.

It's important to go slow across a single-lane covered bridge for several reasons - the age of the structure being the most important.

Inside the Richland-Plummer
Bridge.  (dwm)
High on the list though, is the sound.  Roll down the windows, slow down, and listen as each plank absorbs the weight of the wheels, rebounds and presses down as the rear wheels pass.

The walls bounce that sound back at the car.  It's a unique sound and every bridge plays a different song.

I like the restoration on this bridge because it was either done enough years earlier for the side walls to weather or was done that way.  It fits into the narrow valley crossing.
Greene County Road 25W
dwm photo

Greene County is only home to this bridge, but nearby counties have others, which makes a day trip into the area a nice adventure to see rural communities and trek through pretty country.
Greene County
internet image

Bridge Facts

Richland - Plummer Creek Covered Bridge
Built: 1883
Style: Burr Arch by A.M. Kennedy & sons
Length: 100 feet long over Richland Creek
