Here We Go

"So to all Americans, in every city near and far, small and large, from mountain to mountain, and from ocean to ocean, hear these words:
You will never be ignored again.
Your voice, your hopes, and your dreams, will define our American destiny.  And your courage and goodness and love will forever guide us along the way."  From President Trump's inaugural address
These are hopeful words spoken in the opening moments of a new administration.
Like much of what our new leader had to say, there are many things to like.  He spoke of a united country and how Washington will work for all the people.

There was a darker picture as well: "For a long time, a small group in our nation's capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost.  Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered, but the jobs left and the factories closed."

Trump continued the us versus them rhetoric from the campaign trail after taking the oath of office.  The gap between rich and poor is great and growing.  Ironically, Trump - a very, very wealthy man - is seen as an advocate for the middle class.

Trump's theme in the campaign and in his first Presidential address is to make America great again.  It presumes America isn't great now, but was.  It plays upon fear and resentment.  The campaign is over, it's time to govern.

I hope his exhortation of the government listening means listening to everyone and responding to work for the good for all Americans.
I really hope so.  It wasn't the way he campaigned or carried himself after winning the election.
Since 1789, when President Washington took the oath of office - we've had our share of good presidents; not so good presidents; presidents beaten down by the winds of history; and presidents who brought the country to new heights.
It's too early to know how these four years will go.  
My thoughts are similar to what I've thought during the last eight years - that our leaders should put the good of the country first and work together and compromise to make it happen.  
One party controls the Congress and the White House, so it would seem to be a recipe for action.   However, some of the President's declarations go against traditional Republican principles.
Democrats are unlikely to provide votes, a sad although logical response to party rancor during the Obama era.
It's a good time for prayer.  For our country; our President and leaders; and for us as citizens.  As citizens, we need to support the government and also call attention to where it is in the wrong.  
We need to listen to protests of those searching for a better way and to those looking to right wrongs.  I get the protesters may be wrong, but our country is strong because of diverging views.
We need to vote and be engaged in the political process by communicating with local leaders, legislators, and our national representatives.
May God continue to richly bless America.
