Hubbard at Night

The Hubbard Avenue Diner is a delightful throw-back to neighborhood cafes with a great atmosphere and great food.

It's very good for breakfast and just as popular at the end of the day.

On my last visit I was in the mood for comfort food, and while there are plenty of healthier options... sometimes a nice bowl of home comfort is the way to go.

It's called the Double Deluxe Mac & Cheese.  Here's the description, and as you read please try not to drool on the keyboard, "Macaroni Noodles smothered in our homemade three-cheese sauce.  Topped with our Parmesan cheese bread crumbs and baked until golden brown."  It comes with a Baguette and you can accessorize it with grilled chicken, tuna, or salmon.

The creamy delight is even better than it sounds.

For me, it's a treat that warms the soul, heart, and tummy.  It's filling.  However, you probably don't want to make it a daily entree.

Which reminds of college days when a box of Kraft Mac & Cheese was a meal and the box represented a serving size.

Hubbard is known for their pie, but after a bowl of their awesome Double Deluxe Mac & Cheese, the pie has to wait for my next trip.
