
Don't like the weather?

Wait five minutes.

March had more days above average than below. April is a little different.

If you were in these parts last weekend - you might recall the horizontal snow.  Sunshine appeared five minutes later, followed by more snow.  And so on and so on.

Last Sunday as I've already told you, was quite windy and then hit 73 degrees!

People I know contemplating a move to America's Dairyland need to be prepared for spring days like this.

There are spring days which evoke poetry.  Bright sunshine, deep blue skies, brilliant flowers, and singing birds provide a backdrop as couples walk hand in hand under greening trees.

Folks walk with a smile and an unnecessary jacket folded over an arm.  Bikers ride along wearing brilliant jerseys, relieved to be done with cold weather gear and an ice covered beard.

Spring days in Wisconsin are truly among the most amazing, most beautiful days in all creation.

True Wisconsinites know this and treasure them.

The reason we do is because those bizzaro spring days make us appreciate them.

Happy Spring!
