Who is Bucky?

Buckingham U. Badger, Bucky to his friends, is the perfect mascot for the university of Wisconsin.

Bucky is so popular his name is a verb!  Teach me how to Bucky! is on cardinal red t-shirts.

Folks who don't follow the athletic teams love Bucky.  Kids love Bucky. Parents love Bucky.  Even college students love Bucky.

Bucky was born in 1940, but it was 1949 before anybody became Buckingham.

In the 1970s there was an effort to create a new school mascot - Henrietta Holstein.  Thankfully, wiser and cooler heads prevailed.

Bucky is an all-around ambassador for the University of Wisconsin. He represents the school and state at all the Badger games.  He appears at fundraisers for the school and visits hospitals to spread good cheer.

At last Saturday's game, Bucky himself played dress-up.

As a super-hero.

A Transformer.

A pirate and Sponge-Bob Square Pants.

Bucky has seven lives.  Students who have the honor and responsibility of keeping fans engaged and humored while endearing the cute anthropomorphic badger to young and old.

Bucky dances and skates and at each football game does a push up for each Badger point on the score board.  That's 243 push-ups since he does a one for cumulative points after each score!  A good reason to have multiple Buckys on hand.

Sometimes Bucky has to be in two places at once - and he can.  Maybe that's why he has a super hero costume?
