Urban Garden

Our garden sits on its perch next to our balcony.

It sees direct sun for several minutes at sunrise and again for a short time before sunset.

That's asking a lot for a tomato plant - but when the garden faces mostly north - there is not much with which to work.

Just a couple of weeks ago, it was just a slip of a thing, bouncing with each puff of wind.   It's not ready for much more yet, and probably needs more support, but it's grown a lot in a few weeks.

Turns out most tomato "cages" are sold out around here, so we tried driving a stake into the planter to help if the harvest gets too heavy.

Experts usually don't think these kind of conditions (lack of direct sunlight) are very conducive to a tomato actually growing tomatoes, but we'll see.

And, it seems no one told the plant, which has a brave bloom already.

There are no plans to give the fruit away and there might not be enough of the "grape" variety of tomatoes to finish off a single salad.

But, for right now, it's green - it's growing - and it appears to be intent on bringing something to harvest. 

Stay tuned.
