Moving Day, Part II

We've been staying on campus at my new employer for almost three months now, and it's been a blessing.

It's also been quite interesting.

The one bedroom apartment we're in is smaller than the efficiency apartment I lived in during my last year of college, by myself.  It's small enough that our couch couldn't fit through the door.

Most of our stuff, easily 60%, has been in a storage unit since August 1 and for the most part, we haven't missed most of it.  Now, I don't think that means we'll opt to live without it - but it could make parting with some of those things easier if we have to after the next moving day wraps up next Monday.

The next place is easily twice the size of what we are in now, but it's still a bit smaller than what we lived in back in Indianapolis.  So, it might be a bit tight, but will seem like the great open spaces of South Dakota to us.

The best thing about the move is that with most of our stuff already (or still) packer - the packing isn't taking too long and we'll be ready to go well before the moving people show up.

In the next day or two, the computer will be put away for awhile, so I may be away from the keyboard, but promise to come back with tales of the move and our new digs.

We moved to Madison August 1, and now at the end of October, will be making the final five miles of the 700+ mile trip - it will be nice to be home.

