A Capital Day

August 27, 2012

One thing I've been asked more than anything else since moving to Madison is this, "So do you know Paul?"

Maybe I should explain - in the course of introducing myself to various administrators, staff, and residents - I get asked where from I came.

"Janesville, by the way of North Wisconsin and Indianapolis", is my general reply.  I grew up in Janesville and since its not so far from the Wisconsin capital I figure its a way of establishing a little common ground.

I then get the question, "So, do you know Paul?" 

Like I should, since the place I grew up is also the hometown of the likely Republican Vice-Presidential candidate, Congressman Ryan.  Really, wouldn't everyone who graduated from the same high school know each other?

Yes and no - I never met or knew Paul, but his older brother was a sophomore when I was a senior and we are on the cross country team together.  He was a better athlete as I recall, and a fairly nice guy.

Best I can figure it, Paul would have maybe been in seventh grade about that time, maybe even reading the latest from Milton Friedman.

That generally ends the conversation - and it does make the likely wind-swept convention this week a bit more interesting from the cheap seats - to see what the 'kid' from Janesville will say on the national stage.
