Warm, Hot, and Dang Hot

July 29, 2012

Twenty-five years ago in Pierre, South Dakota it was more than hot - it was 'Dang Hot!

That was the day our oldest, Matthew, was born.  The mercury hit nearly 120 degrees that day - and the temps were so warm that his mom was kept in the hospital with him an extra day before he could come with us.

The Doc made a comment, probably in jest - but maybe he knew something, that kids born on hot days were invariably 'firecrackers.'

Yeah, boy!

That little ball of fire is now slightly larger (right, Matt?) and he's still a setting off sparks!

At the time I worked for KELO-TV and as a result - the assignment editor asked me to haul the camera up to the hospital room for video of mother and son to announce the latest member of the Kelo-land family.

A mix-up in the control room led to an unexpected debut during a sports highlight, but then anchor Steve Hemmingson announced Matthew to the world at the end of the 10pm news.  The newsroom crew chipped in and bought Matt 'a piece' of South Dakota's Centennial Acre (South Dakota became a state in 1889).

So to the not so mini anymore landowner - Happy Birthday, Matthew!

We're proud of you and love you!

Mom and Dad
